Exercising with Mindkicker is always a journey, figuratively as well as mentally. The unique environments we use must affect you in some way and we will always look for environments that challenge and reassure. When you arrive at our shared environment, you always get a digital meter connected to you. What you need is a mobile phone. From now on, we record your physical and mental stress as well as your sleep.
Our world champions want to influence and improve from some perspective. It may be that you should become more aware of your own actions from a larger perspective, or from a closer perspective. We don’t know that. We just know that they also have a dream that Mother Earth will look young, that humanity will grow old and you will be more durable.
When you leave a Mindkicker trip, you return the measuring instrument after 1 month, but we don’t leave you there. Shortly Jonas will call back to see how you have landed at home. We will ask questions to find out how we can improve. And together with Linkura, we will deliver your results and ask what the next step might be for you.
During the days with Mindkicker, we all work very flexibly, but we always follow our golden thread in the concept, more conscious awareness even in the subconscious. On our trips, everyone is part of the group. Everyone is a leader who has their own responsibility for it being as it is, when it is as it should be. A person who follows their heart makes better decisions.

One system to manage all your processes: IPA Nordic researches relationships and human behaviour. IPA Nordic develops framework-setting dialogue tools for recruitment, pulse surveys and employee development.

National Business Team camp at the Castle with a real world champion!
How can a three-day training camp where we measure your mental and physical stress, your sleep and your recovery make you better? Well, through digital measurement, mental training, martial arts, a castle, a world champion and you, we create a world-class leadership training
We make you a little more aware based on how you use the research’s six success factors + one additional success factor and we address you as a challenger who wants to develop your own ability to lead through action and raw power, not just knowledge, because knowledge is worthless if you don’t something with it.
Conscious discipline, low basic tension and clear focus can lead to medals in any national team. Through this national team camp to train your leadership, you can get greater harmony in your own everyday life. With that, we say that you are worth your weight in gold, regardless of what title you have.
We know today that many people who think they are high performers are actually beautiful, stressed workaholics and are terrified to leave their computer, phone and internet at home.
You and I also know that it is your actions that set a standard and show the way for others, you influence and are always influenced. That’s why we let you stop the hamster wheel for a short while and train your leadership in a unique environment, always with a unique world champion.
Join in and train yourself to dare to be smarter with your thoughts and feelings, your time, your attitude and get a clearer self-image, more enjoyable goal image and create a good commitment.
These three days train you to reduce your stress, raise your expectations and dare to use your feelings as an indicator, something you don’t need to act on.
The next open opportunity in 2024 is 27-29 of November at the ICEHOTEL, JUKKASJÄRVI, Wednesday-Friday check-in at 12.00, check out 15.00. This is a national team camp together with Tina, Ecolead Sweden.
Mental training, Emotional training,
Martial arts training and the philosophy
A 3-course castle dinner excl. drinks with food
Inspiration, knowledge and experiences as well as training with the world champion in the group
A month’s accounting of your mental and physical stress, sleep and recovery with Blackbird Wearables, Whoop or Oura ring.
A F.U.N call about your P.E.M development
White belt
Access to Mindkickers alumni network
”When people understand their own leadership value, they can follow and lead with responsibility, commitment and focus on the desired result”
Fine print: minimum 6 people to make it.

Training camp at your homebase – The F.U.N Meetings together with Mindkicker!
Imagine taking your team on a three-day leadership training camp where you chose the environment yourself, but don’t have to do anything other than train and focus on what you have to accomplish.
Jonas together with sidekick comes up with the Mindkicker concept and starts training your leadership group. We will measure your mental and physical stress, your sleep and your recovery to make each individual and you as a team better.
Here, of course, we use Jonas’ extensive experience as a mental coach for, among other things, Swedish and international pro athletes. And yes, your physical training with martial arts and recovery training will create world-class leadership training.
We train those of you who want to be a little more aware in how you use the six of research + another success factor in the organization. We train you who want to achieve better results with stronger human capital. We address the businesses that challenge themselves and want to train more on responsibility, focus and discipline to lead and follow through action, not just knowledge.
Conscious discipline, low basic tension and clear focus can lead to medals in any national team. Through this training camp for your national team to train your leadership, you can get greater harmony in your own everyday life. With that, we say that you are gold, regardless of what title you have.
We know today that many people who think they are high achievers are actually beautiful, stressed workaholics and justifiably terrified to leave their computer, phone and internet at home.
You and I also know that it is your actions that set a standard and show the way for others, you influence and are always influenced. That’s why we let you stop the squirrel wheel for a short while and train your leadership in a unique environment, always with a unique world champion.
Join in and train yourself to dare to be smarter with your thoughts, your time, your attitude and get a clearer self-image, more enjoyable goal image and create a good commitment.
During three days, we train you to reduce your inner stress, raise your expectations and dare to use your feelings as an indicator rather than acting on them.
Mental training
Basic knowledge and training in martial arts
A month’s accounting of your mental and physical stress, sleep and recovery with monitoring your stress.
A follow-up conversation about your mental development
White belt or a graduation to blue belt
Access to the Mindkicker alumni network
”When people understand that change is not always improvement but improvement is always change”

Team training at your home – Train your team at home during the entire WC trip!
Book your health for 1 year including 6 half days with you for a health account!
Possibility of additional services such as managerial support, digital measurement 1 year, education material.
Leadership training for your national team
When you meet your national team to consciously train decisions and strengthen human capital, an energy arises that cannot always be put into words. Things happen that we cannot always predetermine, but which many times give more than we expected from the beginning. But let’s be clear.
When we come from Mindkicker, we let you train with discipline and focus. We measure your stress, we make sure you sleep and we will work on your recovery. You will not escape training where our goal is that each individual should contribute their success factors to strengthen the national team in the best possible way. And yes, like a national team coach, we teach you to book the human capital individually and the team, just like any high-performing national team. We just make it a little more harmonious for a sustainable growth journey.
We believe that those of you who choose this training plan are a board, management group, CEO or HR where employees or teams that need to meet. But we could be wrong.
And yes, you will increase awareness in your decisions. Because when you meet your teammates in contexts where you are actively representing someone else to train physical and mental strength, everyone sharpens up a little extra. We believe you are a company, a brand, an organization or a business that wants to get more results and less sick leave, sickness absence or injuries as we say in the sports world.
Mandatory and optional
6 half days of mental and physical training sessions for the group per occasion.
12 month accounting of your mental and physical stress, sleep and recovery with Linkura
A 30-minute follow-up phone call per individual to book with Linkura.
Access to the Mindkicker alumni network
Reconciliation and belt ceremony for half a day.
Follow-up calls per insider in the team
4-10 physical bookkeeping sessions of 2 hours each with a person in charge
Book the company’s human capital by training the self for the team and the company!
”When people understand training, training and re-training brings luck through structure over time”
Did you know that 80% of your results depend on your mental strength? With Mindkicker you build your physical, emotional and mental strength, which is also measured digitally so that you make better decisions. As a Mindkicker, you believe in energy, wisdom and commitment and you believe in the higher purpose. You want to contribute to the world reaching the 17 global goals, because you know you can do smarter business and cooperate with Mother Nature, at the same time.