+46(0)729 67 70 70 sensei@mindkicker.se
Mental training with Mindkicker

Mental training is a systematically prepared, long-term and scientific training of mental processes. The aim is that the training should give you a life where you feel, are and make yourself and thus also others better. Basic mental training consists of relaxation and restful concentration. It provides an inner balance and a sense of self-control, which for the body means that you create a large stress buffer. Mindkicker works a lot to make you feel your relaxed state in order to give yourself the opportunity to influence your everyday life from a larger perspective.

Mental training is going on all the time. As soon as you make a decision, a mental process has taken place. The unique thing about practicing mental training is that you become more aware of the process and with it also more aware of your awareness. Much like when you take a walk from one point to another, you are exercising, but you are not always aware that it is exercise. Or even see it as exercise.

Many people confuse mental training with coaching. Mental training is a larger palette of tools, where coaching can be an approach and a method. Mindkicker’s mental training is based on research’s six success factors, self-image, goal image, attitude, emotions, commitment and reflection. Recovery is a big part of mental strength, but is not one of the success factors in the same way as the others. But Mindkicker works clearly and powerfully with the whole in order to give you a stable foundation to stand on. Everything so that your energy is directed and in the focus that you want. Everything boils down to you training awareness of your subconscious and unconscious, clarity and harmony in body, bud and soul, based on your conditions.

Effects of mental training

  • You can increase your concentration and improve memory
  • You can maintain an attitude that takes you forward
  • You can maintain a high level of internal motivation
  • You can improve the ability to influence external and internal stress
  • You can improve the immune system
  • You can increase the ability to achieve desired results
  • You can increase work and life satisfaction
  • You can improve your self-image, and remove old truths
  • You can increase creativity and playfulness
  • You can set high, realistic goals 
  • You can talk well about you and with your selftalk
  • You can use mental images to move you forward
  • You can handle fear effectively
  • You can handle your emotions in an uplifting way
  • You can maintain concentration and focus
  • You can develop your achievements with the power of thought and feeling
  • You can make your surroundings better
  • You can dare to be in your energy and your own flow
  • You can improve your self-esteem and intuition.
  • You can improve your performance
  • You can improve your health with the power of thought.
  • You can make use of and develop your abilities and talents.
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+46(0)729 - 67 70 70
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Did you know that 80% of your results depend on your mental strength? With Mindkicker you build your physical, emotional and mental strength, which is also measured digitally so that you make better decisions. As a Mindkicker, you believe in energy, wisdom and commitment and you believe in the higher purpose. You want to contribute to the world reaching the 17 global goals, because you know you can do smarter business and cooperate with Mother Nature, at the same time.